National child health policy pdf

Now 14 years after the last health policy, the context has changed in four major ways. Overview on the national child policy better care network. Improving access to child health services at the community level in. Child health policy imci child and adolescent health who emro. A policy guide for implementing essential interventions for reproductive, maternal, newborn and child health rmnch. As the main dictate of the ministry of health of somaliland, the health policy provides the objectives and the guiding principles, identifies the priority areas of focus for all actors in the health sector including the private sector, as well as how these gaps can be filled. Technical interventions along the continuum of care 8 5. Their nurture and well being is the responsibility of key stakeholders who include parents, wider family, the state central and local government and civil society. Strategy and plan of action for integrated child health pahowho. Policies and strategies pertaining to overall national health, mnch, and those from other sectors related to mnch e.

Federal republic of nigeria centre for health ethics. Policies to promote child health future of children princeton. This child health policy provides longterm directions for protecting and promoting the health of children. Executive summary this policy document presents maltas way forward for safeguarding and promoting the rights and general wellbeing of children. The myscd shall be the lead institution responsible for ensuring the implementation of the national child policy through the following. The national health policy of 1983 and the national health policy of 2002 have served well in guiding the approach for the health sector in the fiveyear plans. The who regional office for the eastern mediterranean child health policy. The policy document represents national commitments to support child health care at the highest level and calls for responsive action at all levels of the health care. An assessment of national maternal and child health policy.

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