Small barge pile driver

Built 2002, barge 304l x 14w x 3 deep, unloaded sits 1 below waterline, american 70b winch, wisconsin 2430 hp gas engine, cotta model a2u300 transmission, 3 wintech spur gear type deck mounted winches. Aluminum barges are lightweight, strong, and maneuverable. Find the perfect pile driving crane barge stock photo. As the manufacturer of these unique hydraulic marine pile driving barges and hydraulic pile driving hammers, we can custom build a pile driver to your specifications with many options available. The ability to assemble flexifloat modules into a number of shapes offers significant advantages in piledriving operations. The 1890 was a piledriving barge, and the crane was built in the year from. With 39 diameter pontoons a length of 35 and a width of 10 this work boat or barge is ideal for carrying heavy. Small work barge for sale custom barges aluminum barges.

A wide variety of small pile driving machine options are available to you, such as new, used. Pile driving company services okanagan bc shoreline. Cooper ii, 16m pile driving barge and rig designed to be fully transportable and to suit all applications for waterfront construction and maritime structure maintenance. Southern exposure manufacturers its own design for pile driving pneumatic hammers. Crane barges and cranes for sale crane barges for sale. It delivers 10,000 ftlbs of energy for pole driving. Price is for very well equipped barge with one flush man hatch, 2 internal spudwells and 4 cleats. We also manufacture power winches and partner with a steel marine barge. This is by far the best truckable pile driving barge on the market today. The t3 post driver is a small driver that delivers big time results.

Also on board were a dieselpowered cable winch and two small airoperated. Welcome to gdb west coast sales web site specializing in pile driver sales. After several conversations and a few design changes, they purchased this 12 x 25 ft. Custom made post ramming barge basic video showing a pile ramming barge in action. That size is one of our heavy civil construction barge. Our pile driving equipment can be placed at a perpendicular angle to a pier or boat dock in order to drive numerous piling in line for stringers with one movement. Oregon marine construction is able to do almost any marine construction project. Our combined experience in general construction, marine construction and manufacturing makes us the best producers of affordable pile drivers in the market.

Crane barge for hire, rent dock building barge, rent small barge, lease small barge in florida, aluminum barges, aluminum hydraulic power packs, claw pneumatic,claw hammer, pneumatic pile drivers, aluminum barge, barge repair, aluminum fabrication, custom marine welding, turnkey barge, marine cranes, piling cranes, marine construction,marine. Cooper ii is purpose built and designed with modern equipment, including a 6 tonne knuckle boom crane and 15m pile driving tower. American piledriving equipment ape is the worlds leader in research and development, production and sales of foundation construction equipment. Speak with a pile driver professional who knows how and why this pile driving equipment works so well, saving your company time and money. Small air pile driver for use with forklift or skid steer. I have been building hammers for the past 23 years and selling to local and out of state contractors. The pile driver was a nineton hammer mounted in 100foot high leads that towered over the barge. From small, hand held pile driving equipment to large, industrial drivers and extractors, we have the tool to suit your pile driving needs. Our expertise in dock building has allowed us to skillfully engineer and build out barges using the most efficient materials, best equipment and. The steel barge will be completed in approximately 45 days after placing your order. The top of the post is fully contained to prevent kick out and protected from damage by the strike plate. Construction equipment american piledriving equipment inc. Marine pile drivers image gallery pile driving equipment. We manufacture highquality marine pile drivers driving up to 3200pound.

Marine pile drivers for sale pile driving equipment. The above example is being used as a work platform to support a pile driver and equipment. Derrick sides on 18 horizontal track honda gas powered hydraulic power pack. Specialized custom barges and piling driving systems. Ape produces the worlds largest pile drivers, and has offices in every corner of the. With over 35 years experience in the marine construction industry, aluminumbarges. Pile driving barge cooper ii all waterfront constructions.

Completely went through barge and built one last boathouse for a relative. The hammer claw marine pnuematic pile driving hammers. Built strong to last for years from sabrecraft marine. Its not the easiest device to maneuver but it does make the kids laugh hysterically so im giving it five stars for entertainment. Used in multiples, they serve to position and securely anchor floating assemblies against lateral forces resulting from current, wind and ondeck machinery. The barge itself was big, about 100 feet long and 40 or 45 feet wide. Crane barge for hire, rent dock building barge, rent small barge, lease small barge in florida, aluminum barges, aluminum hydraulic power packs, claw pneumatic,claw hammer, pneumatic pile drivers, aluminum barge, barge repair, aluminum fabrication, custom marine welding, turnkey barge, marine cranes, piling cranes, marine construction,marine contractors, marine dock drill systems, marine.

Dual bulkhead construction and open toe are ideal for pile driving. It is a multi configurational barge so you can pin multiple barges together and make up whatever size platform. After several conversations and a few design changes, they purchased this 12 x. The crane was originally steam operated but had been converted to air, and was powered by two ingersoll rand 600 cubic feetperminute air compressors that sat on deck. We also manufacture power winches and have a partner. Marine pile drivers for sale pile driving equipment for sale. We manufacture highquality marine pile drivers they drive up to 3,200 pound piling. Barges, barges for sale, industrial barges for sale. Truckable pile driving barge buy truckable,floating. Holding spud and spudwell attachments are available in several sizes and capacities. Marine pile driver with a 8 extension, which has a hydraulic hammer, derrick.

The remote control makes the poo pile spin around, go forward and make a farting sound. Please visit out equipment galleries page for more information. Shoreline pile driving has the largest floating pile driver on okanagan lake. We offer pile drivers for sale, hammers for excavators, jackup barges, push. Bw pile driver hydraulic drophammer is 2,000 lba and slides on a 32 tall derrick. Portable salvage barge suitable for many applications.

Pile driving equipment for sale marine pile drivers. Upgraded internal framing with full length center bulkhead. The below picture shows a pile driver being used in mobile, alabama. The rig working weight is around 62 tons which makes it very easy to transport due to its size while junttan x control system ensures to reach the highest productivity. It has been used extensively on lake tyler and drives piles very very hard. We offer pile drivers for sale, hammers for excavators, jackup barges, push barges, sectional barges, and work barges.

Danuser hammer sm40 with grapple post pounder a486 impact force 82,000lbs, length of stroke 40, strokes per minute 35, hydraulic requirements 15003000 psi new. Youll get straightforward answers to your questions, as well as training if needed. This rig is able to drive piles up to 20m and take a junttan hydraulic hammer with a ram weight up to 6000kg. Over 80% of the marine contractors in collier county, fl use my pneumatic hammers. I have been out of this business for several years. It includes a hydraulic impact hammer that has a 5. This is a beautifully designed pile driving barge by an experienced operator in the late summer of 2005 the owner went into a contract agreement with marine pile driver llc. Our pile driving, crane mounted barges are equipped to do residential docks and marinas of any size.

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